Serving Agent Orange Veterans and their Widows.



Legal help for Agent Orange and Blue Water Veterans.

Veterans and widows of veterans, you may have grounds to make a federal case and appeal to the US Court of Appeals for an earlier “effective date” for retroactive benefits.

Not sure if you qualify for back benefits?

Click the link below to download our free checklist.

The VA often gets effective dates wrong, even after benefits have been approved. If you check “yes” to 3 or more of the qualifiers listed in our checklist, call us for a free appointment at (501) 327-7000.


are you getting the right amount of back pay?


Agent Orange claims are often approved with the wrong effective date.

Many times we are able to appeal a wrongful effective date to the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and see successful results AND obtain many years of back benefits paid to the veteran or veteran’s widow.

There is no attorney fee for this type of appeal.

80% of cases appealed to the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims are reversed and remanded.
